Are you interested in converting your household to well water? Before you begin installing a well, you must consider a variety of variables, such as obtaining the necessary permissions and determining where the well will be placed.

Let’s take a deeper look at the steps you’ll need to take when establishing a well in order to ensure you receive high-quality water and a long-lasting installation.

Permitting a well installation

If you’re interested in establishing a well on your property, the first thing you should do is check with your local government to determine if you need a permission before you begin drilling. This is a standard procedure in the majority of local governments, so be sure to take all required steps to obtain the relevant licenses. In some instances, the well installation firm will obtain the necessary permissions on your behalf, so you may not have to worry about it; however, you should verify that this is a service the business offers.

If you are building a new house, you may inquire with your builder about any legal requirements for obtaining well permits. Generally, your builder will obtain the required permissions for your property, but it is crucial to discuss your well with them so they avoid building in desirable well sites.


Once you’ve taken care of the permit information, you’ll need to determine where on your land you’ll place the well. You must ensure that you are not dealing with concerns such as a low natural or seasonal water table, or that you are not in an area where other adjacent wells might interfere with yours.

Your well must be at least 10 feet away from gas or electrical lines and 20 feet away from tested and licensed sewage systems. Agricultural chemicals must be stored at least 150 feet away from the well, and the new well must be at least 50 feet away from any unused wells on the site. In addition, you should ensure that any new well you construct will be conveniently accessible for future maintenance.

Water occurrence

You must ensure that there is sufficient water in the region in order to establish a working well. There must be sufficient water for daily purposes (cooking, bathing, toilets, washing, dishwashers), seasonal demands (lawn irrigation, swimming pools), and fire prevention. If the volume of water from your well is insufficient to meet these demands, you may not be permitted to have a well on your property.

We invite you to contact Love Well and Water Works LLC immediately if you have any questions or concerns regarding the many procedures and factors related with well installation; we will be pleased to offer you with answers!