Creating a water supply on a site is a vital aspect of the construction process. Before proceeding with other components of the building, you will often require access to a supply of potable water. It is essential to comprehend well types to make the optimal decision for a given circumstance. Continue reading to discover more about the sorts of accessible wells.

Drilled Wells

The drilled well types are popular option for both households and businesses. A cable tool or rotary drilling equipment is utilized to produce a drilled well. Certain drilled wells will require the construction of a casing and screen to prevent silt from entering the water and prevent the well from caving in. This is typically necessary if the well is being drilled into unconsolidated material.

A drilled well can be drilled over 1,000 feet deep. If the casing is required, the area surrounding it will be sealed using grouting material such as cement or bentonite clay. Well-drilling is not a do-it-yourself task. You must employ a licensed well-drilling contractor. Check with your local building and zoning authority to see what permissions are required to start well drilling.

Driven Wells

A driven well types are different form of well. A pipe is pushed into water-bearing sand or gravel to create a driven well. A screened well point is connected to the bottom of the pipe. This sort of well option is quite affordable.

The construction of this sort of well is also simple. This sort of well, however, cannot access deep water; it can only reach shallow water. Because this sort of well is so close to the surface, the water it extracts is susceptible to contamination. Numerous pollutants close to the surface can threaten the safety and health of drinking water.

Hand or machine can be used to create a driven well. A hand-dug well can only reach a depth of roughly 30 feet. Frequently, a machine-driven well can reach a depth of 50 feet or greater.

Dug Wells

The excavated well is the third option. Frequently, a dug well is dug by hand using a shovel. The hole is drilled under the groundwater level. The shaft will be sunk until the ability of the digger to bail is exceeded by incoming water. This sort of well is frequently surrounded by stones, bricks, or tiles to avoid collapse. Typically, the opening of the well is capped with wood, stone, or concrete.

A bored well is a form of machine-dug well. These species can go further below the water table. Similarly, this sort of well is prone to pollution. To learn more contact us!