Your home’s well pump performs a crucial function. It provides you water for drinking, washing clothes, doing dishes, and taking showers. The expected lifetime of a well pump relies on a number of variables, including the kind of equipment, the brand, how it is used, and the environment in which it is located; nonetheless, it is apparent that by performing regular well pump maintenance, you may extend its useful life.

What occurs when a well pump begins to malfunction? How can you know whether you need to invest in well pump repairs or a complete replacement?

Here are a few warning indicators to look out for with well pump repair:

  • Water pressure issues Your pump system requires enough water pressure to operate effectively. If you’ve seen a decrease in water pressure from your faucets or shower, this might be an indication that the pump is malfunctioning.
  • If you have detected sulfur or rotten egg odors originating from your plumbing fixtures, this might indicate a problem with your well pump. In most situations, the odor is caused by silt rising with the water being pumped from the well. Possible causes include an oversized pump or a pump that is positioned too deeply in the well.
  • Have you recently noticed that the pressure switch on your tank is consistently emitting a clicking sound? This is often an indication that a pressure tank is failing. If you detect this problem, you should contact a plumber as soon as possible so that it may be resolved promptly.
  • Spitting at the faucets: Have you seen spitting at your home’s faucets? Typically, this implies an issue with the pressure tank. If the tank is leaking, air might enter the water line and cause air bubbles to emerge along with the water from the faucet. This technically isn’t a problem with the well pump, but it may be handled with the normal repairs and maintenance you’d otherwise be required to conduct.
  • It’s common for utility bills to vary throughout the year, since you use certain utilities more in some seasons than others; however, if you’ve observed a significant rise in your system, this may indicate that your well pump is not operating efficiently. This is natural for well pumps as they age or break down; they will need more energy to run at their customary level, resulting in higher electricity costs.

Need guidance on how to address the problems you’re experiencing with your well pump? Contact our reliable well pump repair specialists at Love Well and Water Works. We are eager to respond to your inquiries and help with your project.