Boil Water Emergency Warning

When there is a risk for contamination of the drinking water supply due to a sewage overflow, water line break, natural catastrophe such as a flood or storm, or other unforeseen incident, a boil water advisory is issued. Typically, boil water warnings are issued because of concern for microbiological contamination. Since the water quality is uncertain during a Boil Water Advise, people should presume the water is hazardous to drink and either boil it or consume bottled water until the advisory is lifted.

Boil Water Emergency Warning

A boil water alert is issued when there is verified pollution of the drinking water supply. Until we publicly withdraw the Boil Water Notice, all customers must boil their water before ingesting it or use bottled water.

Do Not Drink Notification

When the water has a chemical pollutant that cannot be eliminated by boiling, a Do Not Drink Notice is given. Until the public warning is lifted, bottled water should be used for drinking and cooking.

Never Use Notice

A Do Not Use Notice is given if the water contains a pollutant that is inhalable or otherwise dangerous on contact. Customers must avoid contact with water until we issue a public retraction.

How will you be notified of a water advisory?

In the event of a prospective or confirmed water quality emergency, we employ the following communication channels to alert the public and our customers.

  • Local media alerts (TV, print)
  • Automated phone call, text message, and/or email sent to our consumers (up-to-date contact information is critical; check your
  • WaterSmart account to confirm)
  • Outdoor notice signs

For further information, please contact us!